Postdoctoral scholars are integral members of the university community and contribute extensively to Western's research output. To become a postdoctoral scholar at Western you must first contact a researcher at Western that shares your research interests and can therefore serve as your supervisor or mentor. For a complete overview of the steps necessary to become a Postdoctoral Scholar at Western, please browse our New Postdoctoral Scholar Checklist. Once you have attained an agreement in principle, the following form will inform Western of you and your potential supervisor’s or mentor's intentions to appoint you as a postdoctoral scholar.

Appointment Details
Personal Details
Current Address
Previous Western Experience
Previous Postdoctoral Experience
Supporting Documents
The Applicant must submit a complete online appointment form with the following required attachments:

  • Canadian Common CV - No more than 10 pages
  • Proof of PhD - Copy of the diploma or official letter of completion that should indicate date Ph.D. degree was/will be granted
  • Letters of support from three referees - Maximum 2 pages
  • Funding Letter - Proof of funding from external granting agencies

* Document required in order to submit your appointment form
** References may be submitted directly from your referee to your supervisor
*** Only for Fellows
Human Check

Upon completing the form, your potential supervisor will be alerted to this proposed appointment via email and be prompted to confirm additional details (duration, salary etc.) An email will be directed to you upon your supervisor’s authorization summarizing the details of your appointment and requesting your confirmation.

Terms and conditions
     I have read the New Postdoctoral Scholar Checklist and I am aware of the rights and responsibilities of a new Postdoctoral Scholar at The University of Western Ontario

     I certify that the information submitted within this application are true, complete and correct including my declarations as to citizenship status in Canada, and that all information relevant to a decision on the application has been disclosed. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep The University of Western Ontario informed of any relevant changes to my information occurring between the date of my initial submission and my appointment as a postdoctoral scholar.