Graduate Programs

Effective Date: April 3, 2023, superceding previous regulation  
Approval Authority: Graduate Education Council; Senate (for information)

Masters and doctoral degree programs are approved by Western’s Institutional Quality Assurance Process and the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance and must meet Graduate Degree Level Expectations as outlined by the Quality Council and Western.

1. Research Degree Programs at Western: focus on research, scholarship and creative activity and prepare students for a wide variety of potential careers, including those directly related to academia. They are offered at both the masters and doctoral levels. 

Western research degree programs are required to: 
  • Offer a significant research, scholarship and creative activity requirement(s), typically in the form of a thesis, or a major research project (or equivalent) 
  • Deliver curriculum supporting learning outcomes focused on the development of research, scholarship and creative activity 
  • Consider offering experiential learning opportunities, that can include work integrated learning opportunities
Students in masters-level research programs: 
  • Are eligible for external scholarship funding 
  • May be eligible for Graduate Student Funding Support Packages   
Students in doctoral-level research programs: 
  • Are eligible for external scholarship funding 
  • Are guaranteed Graduate Student Funding Support Packages  
2. Professional Degree Programs at Western: are intentionally designed to prepare students to apply their knowledge and evidenced-based training and skills in professional/career settings. In most cases they prepare students for specific professions. They are offered at both the masters and doctoral levels and may be subject to external accreditation. 

Western professional degree programs are required to: 

  • Offer a significant experiential element, ideally a work integrated learning opportunity 
  • Deliver curriculum supporting learning outcomes focused on professional/career-related, evidenced based knowledge, skills and competencies 
  • Offer a course-based curriculum that may include a project  

Students in professional programs: 

  • Are typically ineligible for external scholarship funding 
  • Are ineligible for a Graduate Student Funding Support Package