Graduate Student Affordability Calculator

Welcome Graduate Program Applicants

Since introducing its first Master's program in 1881, Western University remains dedicated to delivering excellent graduate education. Our services and programs are designed to enhance your experience and provide a supportive and stimulating academic environment.

Graduate school is often referred to as a "balancing act" -- on top of studying, researching, and teaching, graduate students have a number of other responsibilities and commitments outside the university. Managing your finances, time, and overall wellness are critical to your academic success.

The Graduate Student Affordability Calculator was designed for you to get a better estimate of what it will cost to attend one of Western's graduate programs for one year. The calculator is not a promise of funding, or a place to access scholarship support or financial aid; rather, it is intended to provide you with an accurate estimate of how much money you will need to pay for your tuition, fees, housing, food, and many other necessities for a 12-month (three term) academic year.

Once you've input your information, please be sure to click the links and footnotes for each line item for more information.

Any questions, comments, or feedback can be directed to Mark Wolfe, Communication Manager, at

Are you a domestic or international student?
Domestic student (incl. Permanent Resident/Landed Immigrant, Refugee, Diplomat)
International student
Please select a degree level:
Please select the program you plan to attend:
Are you single or will you be accompanied by a partner?
I will live in London on my own
I will bring a partner
Do you have children?
Do you plan to own a car?