Senate Academic Policies and Procedures and SGPS Regulations
General Introduction
Senate Academic Policies and Procedures and SGPS Regulations apply to all graduate programs and students, unless otherwise stated, within Western and its affiliated university colleges. Reference to program, department, Faculty, etc. should be interpreted within the context of Western and its affiliated university colleges.
Definitions related to Senate Academic Policies and Procedures can be found here.
Graduate Studies Academic Year
The academic year consists of three terms: Fall term, beginning September 1; Winter term, beginning January 1; and Summer term, beginning May 1.
For our Calendar of Events, please refer to:
Graduate Programs Currently Offered
For a complete listing of all graduate programs currently offered, refer to:
Senate Academic Policies and Procedures
Academic Integrity- Policy
- Academic Integrity Module
- Policy
- General
- Proficiency in English
- Associated Procedures
- Procedure for Admission Application
- Policy
- Overview
- Meeting Program Expectations
- Annual Progress Evaluations
- Associated Procedures
- Annual Progress Evaluations
- Annual Progress Evaluations and the Use of Pathfinder
- Guidelines When a Student is Not Meeting Degree Expectations
- Sustained Lack of Progress: Guidelines for Withdrawal for Failure to Meet Program Expectations
- Pathfinder and Confidentiality
- Policy
- External Scholarships on Transcripts
- Policy
- Degree Completion Requirements
- Degree Completion Requirements
- Associated Procedures
- Applying to Graduate
- Policy
- Preamble
- Definition
- Terms and Conditions
- Policy
- Adding or Dropping Courses
- Auditing Graduate Courses
- Repeated Courses
- Incomplete Courses
- Adding, Auditing or Withdrawing from Undergraduate Courses
- Recognition for Prior Equivalent Work
- Associated Procedures
- Auditing a Graduate Course
- Enrolling in an Undergraduate Course
- Policy
- Definitions
- Course Numbering
- Course Outlines
- Associated Procedures
- Compulsory Student Evaluation of Courses
- Policy
- Initial Registration
- Registration Requirements
- Categories of Registration
- Transfer From Master's to Doctoral Degree Status in a Program
- Leave of Absence
- Withdrawal
- Admission After Withdrawal
- Time Away From Studies and Vacation Time
- Associated Procedures
- Registration and Fee Payment
- Refunds
- Enrolling in an Interdisciplinary Combined PhD Option
- Leave of Absence
- Policy
- General
- Doctoral Programs
- Master's Programs
- Completion of All Non-Thesis Degree Requirements
- Procedures - Format & Content
- Thesis Format
- Length
- Copyrighted Material and Permissions
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Contents
- Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)
- Style
- Procedures - Exam & Submission
- Doctoral Candidate - Completion of the Thesis Degree Requirement
- Master's Candidate - Completion of the Thesis Degree Requirement
SGPS Regulations
Financial Support- Regulation
- Funding for Students in Research-Based Programs
- Academic Requirements and Eligibility for a Student Funding Support Package
- Program Duration and Eligibility for Financial Support
- Minimum Annual Funding Package for Doctoral students
- Completion of a Student's Program
- Regulation
- Research Degree Programs at Western
- Professional Degree Programs at Western
- Regulation
- Own Your Future Programming
- Regulation
- Categories of Membership
- Duration
- Privileges, Criteria and Qualifications
- Retirement
- Faculty Members Who Leave Western for Reasons Other Than Retirement
- Regulation
- General
- Supervisory Roles
- Expectations and Requirement of Supervisors
- Expectations and Requirement of Students in Thesis-Based Programs
- Changing a Supervisor
- Regulation
- Commitment to Barrier-Free Accessibility
- Accessible Education
- Regulation
- Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Program
- Exchange Agreement with Canadian and International Universities
- Canadian Universities Graduate Transfer Agreement
- Credit Courses at Non-Partner Universities
- Full-Time Students on Exchange Programs
- Visiting Graduate Students (for Research Only)
SGPS Statements and Guidance
Personal Information Collection and Use
The University of Western Ontario collects personal information under the authority of the University of Western Ontario Act, 1982, as amended. The information is related directly to and needed by the University for the purposes of recruitment, admission, registration, progression, graduation, administration, and other activities related to its programs. Such information is used to administer and operate academic, athletic, recreational, student development, student employment, financial aid, and other University programs and activities, including residence operations and alumni and development activities and programs, and to determine eligibility for student awards, scholarships and financial support, and administer financial aid and government financial assistance programs.
It is the policy of the University to consider the following information about current and former students to be publicly available and to provide it to third parties upon request:
- student's full name
- Faculty(ies)/Schools in which student is/was enrolled
- degree(s) awarded by Western and date(s) conferred
- academic or other University honors or distinctions
At any time, an individual may request that this information cease to be made publicly available by contacting the Office of the Registrar, in writing.
Personal information may be used for statistical and research purposes by the University, other post-secondary educational institutions, researchers, and the provincial and federal government. The University discloses specific and limited personal information to recognized student organizations for the purposes of administering their programs including membership administration, health plan, elections, and issuing of bus passes. Personal information of students enrolled in an Affiliated University College is shared with the Affiliated University College.
Select information may be shared with third parties, including: award donors; government funding agencies to process financial assistance applications; financial institutions to confirm student enrolment; independent student loan administration companies to process student loan documents; collection agencies for outstanding accounts; municipalities for debts owed by students; and contracted service providers acting on behalf of the University.
Credit card information is transmitted to an independent processing company in order to process payments.
Personal information may be disclosed to third parties in the course of an investigation of misconduct. Information relating to misconduct and/or falsified documents may be shared with other educational institutions.
For answers to questions about the University's collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, please contact the Director of Administration, School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Room 1N07 International and Graduate Affairs Building, 519-661-2111 ext. 84636. For further information please refer to Western University’s privacy website: