Visitor and Exchange Programs

Effective Date: September 16, 2022
Supersedes: *
Approval Authority: Graduate Education Council; Senate (for information)

Graduate Study at Other Universities for Western Students

This section outlines and describes the situations in which a graduate student at Western may study at other institutions.

1. Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Program

With the approval of their program and the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, students registered at Western may take courses at other Ontario universities under the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student program, without additional tuition.

Courses taken under this agreement must be required for the student's degree program and must be taken for credit.

For students in course based programs, no more than two half- courses can be taken at another institution.

To apply to take a course under the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student program, students must complete the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Program Application Form:

Application Form

2. Exchange Agreement with Canadian and International Universities

Western has exchange agreements with many Canadian and International universities.

With the approval of their Western program and the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, students may take courses for Western credit at a partner university, subject to the particulars of Western's exchange agreement with the partner institution.

Western Students on exchange must register as full-time students at Western, and pay tuition to Western and hence are not subject to tuition at the international rate at a partner university.

3. Canadian Universities Graduate Transfer Agreement

Western is a member of the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS).

With the approval of their program and the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, students registered in a program at a CAGS member university (the home institution) may take courses for credit at another CAGS-member university (the host institution).

For students in course based programs no more than two half-courses can be taken at another institution.

To apply to take a course under the Canadian Universities Graduate Transfer Agreement, students must complete the Canadian Universities Graduate Transfer Agreement

Application Form

4. Credit Courses at Non-Partner Universities

Western students may take courses for Western credit at a university that is not covered by an exchange of transfer agreement.

This requires the approval of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and an offer for admission to the non-partner university.

In this case, the student pays tuition to the non-partner university.


Graduate Study at Western for Non-Western Students

This section outlines and describes the situations in which a non-Western graduate student may study at Western.

5. Full-Time Students on Exchange Programs

These students must be registered full-time in their home institution and satisfy Western admission requirements.

Exchange students may visit Western for research only or they may take Western courses for credit.

Exchange students cannot audit Western courses.

Exchange students who fail to meet SGPS's English-language requirement, [see English Language Proficiency Requirements in the SGPS Admissions Policy], may visit Western for research only.

6. Visiting Graduate Students (for Research Only)

Students who are not part of an exchange program may register as Part-Time Visiting Graduate Students to engage in research activities.

They cannot take courses at Western and are not provided with a Western transcript.

If they are international students they must pay UHIP (University Health Insurance Plan) fees but no tuition.

7. Ontario Visiting Graduate Students

Students from other Ontario universities may take courses at Western under the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student program.

These students pay all fees at their home university.

8. Canadian University Graduate Transfer Students

Students registered in Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) member universities may take courses at Western under the Canadian Universities Graduate Transfer Agreement.

These students pay part-time fees at Western.

Students must arrange the details of their visit with the Graduate Chair of the Western program and the Exchange Office at their home university if they are visiting Western as Exchange Students.

If they are not Exchange Students, they apply to the Western Graduate Chair, who then must obtain approval from the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.