Civil and Environmental Engineering

Master of Engineering Science (MESc)

Meet Ainsley Inglis, MESc candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

“The professors here are great and approachable and they can provide useful insight into the many interesting areas of research in the Civil and Environmental Engineering department.”

Supervisors: Jason Gerhard and Clare Robinson

Why did you come to Western for your graduate degree?
My initial plan was to stay at the University of Guelph for my graduate degree, but I convinced myself to look into other options. I contacted professors and graduate students at Western and after learning of the research opportunities here, I knew Western was the best option for me and one that could open doors for me in the future.

Where’s your favourite place on campus?
I enjoy working and studying in the RESTORE office because there is such a great group of people there to help when you have no idea what you are doing. I also enjoy spending time in the labs because I often get to learn how to use interesting equipment that I didn’t even know existed before attending Western.

What idea, suggestion, or comment would you like to share with the Western graduate community?
There is a lot of exciting work being done in the Western graduate community. I think it’s easy to get stuck in a bubble where we only pay attention to our own research, but it’s great when there are opportunities to learn about other’s research both within your own field and in other fields.

Have you worked as a TA or RA?
I worked as a research assistant with RESTORE during the summer before I started my master’s. It gave me a chance to help with field work on different projects and get a head start familiarizing myself with the project I would be working on when I officially started my degree.

Program Websites

Program Contact

Emily Moyer (
Graduate Assistant/Coordinator

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Western University
Spencer Engineering Building Rm 3117
London, Ontario N6A 3K7

t. 519-661-2139
f. 519-661-3942

The Master of Engineering Science (MESc) program is a thesis based Master's research degree. This program is offered to applicants who hold a four-year Bachelors Degree. It is expected that graduate students will complete all program requirements within two years.

Program Length

  • 6 Terms

Program Design

  • Full-time study
  • Thesis-based

Funding Information

Applicants are encouraged to apply for the following scholarships (if eligible):

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fee schedules (per term) are posted on the Office of the Registrar's website at

Graduate Student Affordability Calculator

Use this helpful tool to estimate how much money you will need to pay for your tuition, fees, housing, food, and other necessities for a 12-month (three term) academic year.

Admission Requirements

  • Admission average is the North American A- (78%).
  • Applicant should have a Bachelors degree in Engineering, or similar program.

Additional Requirements

  • Acceptance into the MESc degree program is dependent on the acceptance of a faculty advisor. It is the responsibility of the applicant to find a faculty advisor. For information about our faculty members, please visit CEE Faculty.

English Language Proficiency

Applicants whose first language is not English must furnish evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language:

  • The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The minimum acceptable score is 86, with no individual score below 20 for the internet based version; 213 for the standard electronic version; or 550 for the paper and pencil version, although some programs require a higher minimum score. [Western's TOEFL ID is 0984].
  • The International English Language Testing Service (IELTS Academic). The minimum acceptable score is 6.5 out of 9, with no minimum score below 6.0. The IELTS is offered in 6 test centres in the US and 3 in Canada.
  • The Duolingo English Test. The minimum acceptable score is 115.
  • The Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL Assessment). The minimum acceptable score is 60. The CAEL Assessment is offered in several countries throughout the world as well as Canada.
  • Western English Language Centre Western's English Language Centre allows academically eligible students interested in pursuing a graduate degree at Western the opportunity to receive a conditional offer of admission to graduate studies without successful completion of an English language proficiency test. The condition is that the student must, in lieu of such a test, successfully complete Western English Language Centre's program. For more information, please visit
  • Fanshawe College’s ESL Program. The requirement is graduation from Level 10, English for Academic Purposes, with a minimum 80% in all components.

Application Deadline

Domestic Applicants:

  • July 1 - Fall Term
  • November 1 - Winter Term
  • March 1 - Summer Term

International Applicants:

  • March 1 - Fall Term
  • July 1 - Winter Term
  • November 1 - Summer Term

Fields of Research

  • Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
  • Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Smart Cities
  • Structural and Infrastructure Engineering
  • Wind Engineering and Environmental Fluid Mechanics