Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization in all aspects of graduate and postdoctoral studies. For more information regarding these commitments please visit
Master of Arts (MA)Meet Rosemary Giles, MA candidate in History
Describe your research.
I am researching the intersections of patriotism, masculinity, and wilderness in the experiences of Canadian conscientious objectors during the Second World War.
Where’s your favourite place on campus to work?
My favourite place is definitely my office. I share it with some great graduate students, and I find that it’s a great place to bounce ideas off of each other and do our research.
Do you belong to any university or community groups?
I am part of Gradcast, the podcast for the Society of Graduate Students at Western. We interview different graduate students about their research and their experiences at Western.
What do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time I visit my horse, read a lot of books, or garden in the summer.
What’s the best advice you could give to someone considering applying to your graduate program?
I would say to make sure that you come and visit campus before you decide what school to attend. I think that there is something really special about our department that you won’t necessarily see from a website, so come and meet the current graduate students (who are always willing to chat!) or talk with some of the professors.
Program Websites
Program Contact
Kara Brown ( Program Advisor
Department of History
Western UniversityLawson Hall Rm 2201
London, Ontario N6A 5B6
t. 519-661-2111 ext. 84961
f. 519-661-3010
The Master of Arts in History at Western is a one or two year, program that emphasizes the deep study of history and the development of research, writing, and analytical skills. Our students explore the histories of Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, as well as international, transnational, and global history.
The Public History field combines traditional historical skills with experiential learning to prepare graduates to work as public historians in museums, archives, government agencies, consulting and heritage management.
All MA students have access to both academic and applied course offerings, and are well-prepared to continue their education at the PhD level.
Program Length
- 3 Terms (Course based or project-based)
- 4 Terms (Public History project-based)
- 6 Terms (Thesis based)
Program Design
- Full-time study
- Course based, project-based or thesis-based
Funding Information
Applicants are encouraged to apply for the following scholarships (if eligible):
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fee schedules (per term) are posted on the Office of the Registrar's website at
Graduate Student Affordability Calculator
Use this helpful tool to estimate how much money you will need to pay for your tuition, fees, housing, food, and other necessities for a 12-month (three term) academic year.
Admission Requirements
Master of Arts in History
- 4-year B.A. degree or equivalent from an accredited university.
- 78% average or better on last ten courses.
Public History field
- 4-year B.A. degree or equivalent from an accredited university.
- 78% average or better on last ten courses.
Additional Requirements
Public History field
- Resume of related course, volunteer or paid experience.
- Reference letter from a Public History employer or supervisor.
English Language Proficiency
Applicants whose first language is not English must furnish evidence of their proficiency in the use of the English language:
Application Deadline
- February 1
The Graduate Committee will begin reviewing applications on February 1 and will stop reviewing applications on April 30. Applications received on or before February 1 will receive full consideration for scholarships.
Fields of Research
- Public History