Thesis Examination Guide

Before proceeding with a remote examination, please observe the following:

  1. It is the responsibility of the department to set up the Zoom meeting and send the link, along with the remote thesis examination guide, out to the examiners, supervisor, candidate and chair. If you still have questions or concerns after reviewing the guide, please contact Matt Dumouchel (
  2. Exams may proceed with everyone participating remotely, as long as the technology remains effective. Details on how a Remote Examination should be set up are below under "Preparing a Remote Examination".
  3. Public lectures for doctoral students should proceed with everyone participating remotely in a Zoom meeting distinct from the examination. Details on how a Public Lecture should be constructed remotely are below under "Preparing a Remote Public Lecture".
  4. It is the responsibility of all participants to ensure that they have a device available which will work effectively. We strongly recommend that all participants test their system ahead of time, ideally by connecting as a committee 24 hours or so ahead of the scheduled exam, to allow time to adapt if necessary. The chair should also have phone numbers to communicate with participants in the event of a loss of connectivity. It is the chair’s decision if the exam can proceed if a single examiner is lost; if more than one is not actively participating the exam should be suspended and re-scheduled.
  5. The chair remains responsible for conducting the examination in accordance with SGPS regulations. This means that the chair must be comfortable that the technology is working effectively, as well as that the questioning is proceeding in an appropriate way. If the chair considers that the examination is not proceeding according to the appropriate standards they should suspend it. SGPS and/or the program will reschedule as appropriate depending on the reason for the suspension. Keep in mind that re-scheduling could be done in relatively short order if necessary, given that no-one is travelling or in class.

We recognize that this is a major disruption to our usual way of doing things, and we appreciate your support and your flexibility. We are trying to find the right balance between maintaining our academic standards and allowing our students to finish in a timely way. We're all doing a lot of experiential learning right now and we will make mistakes and encouter unforseen problems. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about any of this, as we work this out together. 


Preparing for the Examination

The Examination