External Examiners
This academic Examiner is a faculty member at another University and has an established reputation in the field of the thesis.
- Conduct and submit a preliminary evaluation of the thesis artifact no later than one week before the exam date.
- Attend the public lecture.
- Attend the thesis examination and participate in the questioning of the candidate, evaluating the thesis and the candidate's defense of the thesis.
- Contribute your decision in the final determination of the acceptability of the thesis and oral defense.
- If needed, participate in a re-submission and/or a re-examination hearing (this may be waived).
- See the Thesis Guide for information including Remote and In-Person examinations.
Any travel expenses incurred by an External Examiner to attend an in-person examination will be covered by Western University through the candidate’s Faculty. If you are unsure who you should be contacting at the faculty level to submit a travel expense, please contact thesis@uwo.ca.
Supporting Documents
- Thesis Policy
- UWO Travel Claim Guide for travel to and from London
- Local Accommodations for booking your overnight stay in London
- Map of Western University